Channel: Epic Top Trending
Category: Entertainment
Tags: america's got talentagt auditionskodi lee golden buzzerkodi lee talent recapkodi lee america's got talentkodi lee a song for youkodi lee auditionkodi lee musickodi lee reactiongolden buzzerkodi lee interviewkodi lee autismcody leekodi lee blindkody leekodi lee koreanamericas got talentkodie leekodi lee autisticgabrielle union golden buzzerkodi leecodi leeepic top trendingcody lee agtgabrielle union america's got talent
Description: 22-year-old Pianist and singer Kodi Lee received a standing ovation with his audition on the season 14 premiere of America’s Got Talent. Kodi, who is blind and autistic, amazed the crowd with his flawless cover of Donny Hathaway's "A Song For You." Kodi's breakthrough moment on the show came when new judge Gabrielle Union used her first-ever golden buzzer to send Kodi straight to the live shows. But Kodi's journey began well before his appearance on the America’s Got Talent stage. Take a look at the video to learn more about Kodi Lee's intriguing story.